Posts in Michelle B
They Said We Couldn’t…

Working from home used to be such a taboo topic in my work environments… then COVID hit and changed everything. No, it has not been the best scenario for most but I’m blessed I’ve been able to grow so much professionally in ways I may not have otherwise.

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What's up with...?

Please don’t read this like I feel shameful or anything… learning new pieces of yourself is just a piece of life. We are all ever changing, ever growing, and ever needing for new and different things as we mature and experience the world as created by God.

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Sometimes, we lose things or don’t make it to certain goals we’ve set our minds on because there’s something we still need to work on and CHANGE about ourselves.

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The Take Home

The take home is the most nerve-wrecking thing to ever do for me. I can deal with a lot on my own, but there’s something about your 70+ year old mother looking at you and telling you the man you believe to be in love with is not worthy of the love she knows you can give.

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My father was many things… a saint was not one of them. But in times like this, all I want is to be able to talk to him, hug him. Most of the time I can barely remember what his voice sounded like… or what his face looked like.

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Black Man, I Love You…

We’ve fallen short in our support of our black men because they know they can’t “feel” freely without being judged or left out high and dry by the one group of people that are supposed to stand by their side and understand as much as possible what they suffer through; black woman.

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