I See You, Superwoman!

I’ve been blessed to work in a couple offices filled with amazing women, that lead with no hesitation and lay the path for young women like me. It was such an experience to have these women look out for me from day one and do everything in their power to encourage me and help me see how much potential I had to contribute to an office that they were already powerhouses in.

Because of them I’ve stayed on my path to grow and develop into a powerhouse myself, and I’d like to give a shout out to those women that showed me how amazing I can be in my own right. 2020 has started out with a bang honestly, and I’ve been given a boost of confidence in my abilities and the things God has destined for me. I owe all of that to my mentors, encouragers, and personal cheerleaders that never let me give up and always believed in what was waiting for me when my vision got so clouded that I couldn’t make out the next step in front of me. I was just recently offered a position with a company that has been a dream of mine for years now… it feels weird to say that because I’ve waited so long for the opportunity but now it’s here.

Yesterday, was my first day walking down a path I’ve been searching for since 2016 and I just want to thank all of the beautiful women that stood behind me and pushed me forward relentlessly until I stopped questioning my blessings and put my trust in God’s ability to place them in my lap when it was time for them to manifest. It feels so amazing to see how D.O.P.E. I am and witness my own growth covered in happiness and excitement for something new and promising. The things that appear when you least expect it will take you to new heights and remind you just how much power you have inside of you so you continue to press forward.

I say all that to say, thank your tribe and don’t forget to tell the people that encourage you and uplift you how important they are to you and what they mean to your growth and success. Keep in contact with people that help mold you into the woman that you are. Last but definitely not least, take all of that encouragement love and empowerment and pay it forward to another young woman that needs something you possess to give and teach them.

It’s Wednesday! Today I want to thank and acknowledge all of my Women Crush Wednesday’s for being a part of my tribe and for always demanding greatness of me to bring me up to their level of success. I appreciate each of you that have helped me and I’m grateful for the opportunity to pass that blessing on to somebody else, and it’s because of you all I have that opportunity.

Enjoy your week and remember to
Be D.O.P.E.!