WHo I B.

I was born when writing and art was introduced to my life; through pain and loss. Yes, pain created me and my passion, but it does not define me. We strive to establish who we are as though people ask us to prove ourselves, but the only person we try to prove that to is ourselves. An idle imagination can concoct extreme circumstances and make us jump through hoops of fire… when we don’t know how to use it. Story of my life… which is why I seldom know who I am.

I am the youngest of 5 and the only self-accepted “right-brained” person in my family. I love smiling, spending time with family and friends, indulging in artistic endeavors without a clear end point, and the color green. I was already an aunt when I was birthed in 1991 and had a great niece and nephew by the time I was 25. I believe in love unlike any other and pray that it finds me by God’s Grace one day… who knows, maybe it already has.

I. Am a D.O.P.E. Black Woman. Encouraged to use my life experiences, heartache, and pain to uplift and inspire other young black women to go after the dreams everyone else told them they couldn’t achieve. I am a supporter of those that may not know they need support.

Call me a servant, call me a motivator, call me your mentor… but whatever you choose to call me, just remember…

I. Am. D.O.P.E.
