Godly Interventions

Ever been in a situation that seemed good, but you felt if you had these additional little things it could make your experience great? Maybe even phenomenal?

Ever pray for something you think you want and you know it’s exactly what you need?

Have you ever gotten that one thing and had to realize, “damn, this isn’t as great as I thought it would be?”

Talk about having a plan for what you believe your life should look like, and having God giving you the things you need because what you want isn’t what you think it will be.

Sometimes, we need to stop and think on the things that we have and not be “greedy” or “gluttonous” in a sense. I recently experienced a situation where I received the surface level of something I thought made the package, just to realize the contents of the “pretty” package I thought I wanted didn’t fit me as a person and the life I want to live. I can admit, I didn’t realize what I needed was right in front of me, and in an attempt to get what I thought was the complete picture of my desire I almost lost the most valuable thing to ever enter my life.

There will be moments when God will give you what you want just to prove what he originally gave you was all you needed. Don’t “trade up” for something that looks nice. Let me tell you, some of the prettiest things are made up of some of the nastiest content….

This year I learned some pretty hard lessons about holding on to toxic things and subjecting myself to less than what I deserve. I, also, learned that when the right people enter your life they won’t let you push them out no matter how hard you try. Don’t ignore signs and the detours God places in your way, because they only get more consistent and grandiose the more you avoid them; he will not be ignored.

I have a habit of undercutting my abilities and denying myself of the success that I deserve because of fears I can’t fact check without trying.

I’m human.

As we enter this wonderful holiday season, no matter the circumstance facing us head on, always remember you are great and amazingly D.O.P.E. and you deserve ALL of the amazing things God has in store for you. Hard times will come and sometimes they will get you down, but it’s okay to feel just DON’T STAY DOWN.

You are beautiful, and everything you’ve been waiting for is wrapped up waiting to explode in your life opening doors and granting you opportunities you never thought possible!

Write that on your post-it and stick it on your mirror, lol.

I saw a post that said something along the lines of “You know you’re a good person when you feel bad for making the right decision for you.” Don’t question that the decisions you made were good if you know they were the best decisions for you! God is not leading you to a place that everyone can go to with you, and that’s okay, your path and destination were sculpted and hand picked JUST FOR YOU. His interventions are to ensure you make it to the destination he envisioned for your life, happiness, and success. Let him lead you.

I hope it’s D.O.P.E. and filled with family, friends, and endless amounts of love and encouragement that nobody else may know you need right now.