
Being a D.O.P.E. woman doesn’t come easy. Yes, I established this platform to encourage black women, those of us that experience things in life that make us wonder are we the only way to feel “this” way afterwards.

I find myself faced with issues that not only effect me as a black woman but the support system we have as black women. I notice discussions of black men feeling they have to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and not always receiving the support of black women to keep pushing. On the other side of the same hand I experience as a woman the weight we carry from the world and how we can be overlooked and lack the support we need of black men.

Society finds solace in watching us debate and be at odds with one another because when we are not united we don’t have the power to be a threat to them and their power.

I aim to encourage young black women to embrace and share their stories of survival and strength because you aren’t alone in your fight to be heard. This doesn’t mean I don’t aim to encourage young black men to do the same. Take your life and create lessons to pass around to those like you that need to know they aren’t alone. Make your story a testimony for someone you don’t know to help them overcame the battles you won.

We’ve been told long enough that our stories don’t matter and can’t effect change in the world. This is a lie that only we can dispel in the lives of our children and the generations to come. Being D.O.P.E. is the foundation of who we are as a people, and I want anyone that touches my site and reads any of the words I write to understand I think you’re D.O.P.E

I appreciate the unlimited support I receive from all of the black kings and queens I call my family and friends. The lives that have crossed paths with mine for a season I also appreciate; the lessons learned made me who I am today and are a piece of who I will ultimately be in the tomorrow God has written for me.

I say all of that to uplift the partners I know we, black women, need to push on and make it through this world today. to the D.O.P.E. black men out there, continue to encourage support and uplift the women I know you love. It’s easy for people to brush off your accomplishments and make light of your successes, it’s hard for people to say they appreciate you, your existence, and the security only you can give us. I’m happy to say that we are moving into a time where giving that support and sharing that encouragement is not only a part of life but it’s being publicized.

Black men and women loving and encouraging one another is overtaking the story that we can’t coexist together. I LOVE that narrative more than anything we were being given before.

Don’t forget to embrace those you love in your circles today especially during this holiday season. Thanksgiving is done and Christmas is around the corner… 2019 is really almost over. Don’t wait for the new year to be thankful for what you have and start new journey’s or experience new things. The time to do it is NOW.

When somebody does something amazing, tell them that’s DOPE.

When somebody confides in you with their dreams, tell them how DOPE it is and help them make it come true; if you don’t think it’s quite there yet, help them make it DOPE.

When you come across somebody that’s down and not acting like themselves, remind them how DOPE they are.

We need each other!

Be D.O.P.E. black folk, and remember… there is no me without you and there is no you without me.