New Year, Old You...

We all know it’s that time of year again, where you’re scrolling through IG, or whatever your social media app of choice is, and all up and down your timeline are posts of stepping into the new year, leaving your baggage in 2019, making better choices in 2020, oh and don’t forget the special part of this new year… the start of the new decade! Paired with how we have to change up the game for the new decade because doing all that old stuff is for the 2010’s!

Chile please… this fear that I’m currently battling I know I will be battling in 2 weeks when it’s no longer December and January has taken over. BUT I understand that about myself and I’m working to be better.

I am all for growth and evolution but lets be realistic. What’s the purpose of creating these New Year’s resolutions that people so often fall short on once the wave of excitement dies down and nobody’s checking on them anymore to make sure they’re staying true to their words? To be honest, checking in to see if somebody was doing their due diligence was never my chosen profession so I won’t even pretend as though I’m an advocate for it. I am, HOWEVER, an advocate for checking in on my close circles and “mentees” to make sure they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing year round; not just for a new years resolution. 2020 and the new decade is not going to change you if you are not internally prepared to change or ready to put in the work you have to do to reach the goal you’re running after.

For example, that summer body you’re always trying to get doesn’t start with the beginning of the year, it starts the summer before with creating better eating and exercise habits and dedication to reaching that goal and maintaining it… I’ll never have that summer body because that motivation isn’t there, LOL.

I’m an advocate for working to be better, don’t get me wrong, but let’s be realistic… stepping across the time threshold from December 31, 2019 to January 1, 2020 does not flip a switch on and create blockades to stop us from dealing with toxic people, or create a progressive interest to invest in our mental health and wellness as black people; it won’t even make us stop procrastinating and/or be less fearful to do the things we truly desire and are passionate about. What we can do is make a plan; make your list to get better and do better; be realistic with yourself and be kind. There are so many people in the world to disappoint, the one person you should work hard as hell not to neglect and disappoint is YOURSELF.

Don’t be fooled, the ones that are re-posting that picture with the black girl dropping bad habits out of her bag stepping into the new year, are the ones trying to convince themselves to let go of those nasty habits… check on your friend. They may need your help more than you realize… they may even just need to know you’re there and not hear you opinions of their situation and that’s fine. Encourage the growth!

Public declarations don’t make you better than the hard workers putting in the time and hours to advance themselves in silence. We are all rooting for you, but words are just that… walk what you’re talking. I keep seeing reminders that what you’re doing doesn’t have to be publicized to everyone. Let them see you grow and come up as your blessings start to flow in because God scheduled them to com, not because of 2020, but because you’re ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck, you’re tired of being down, you’re tired of just getting by, you’re ready for something bigger and better than where you came from and what you were given.

We are the catalyst to do the things we are destined to do. You’ve been given the tools, so what are you going to do with them?

We have a community and network that lifts us to heights we couldn’t begin to imagine. Let the people around you that want to pour into you help lift you up over that wall you’re staring at because you’re stuck calculating how to get around rather than attempting to get over it. Tell them your dreams and your struggles, and watch God work through the people around you. If you’re worried about telling them, TELL ME! I’ll listen and encourage wherever I possibly can. The point is, we are NOT in this alone, and you will never have to. The only thing you have to do is take the first step.

What do you want to do in these here 20’s?

Random sidebar, but oh my gosh… the Roaring 20’s started 100 years ago! HAHA!

Be D.O.P.E!