They Said We Couldn’t…

It’s hard to believe 365 days have now passed since my working setup changed from 100% in the office to 100% at home. Why is it hard to believe? Because for the longest time I’ve worked on projects that would thrive off of the inaccurate perception that our jobs could not be done anywhere other than from a work environment controlled by employers and/or clients. Charge it to being a federal contractor and that just being a natural downfall of that type of work. Working from home was honestly always possible, but because of micro-managers and control issues it just wasn’t allowed. I didn’t always have employers that would advocate for their employees on this very impactful topic for work-life balance.

I feel a lot safer saying that publicly now that I am no longer a federal contractor, LOL.

At the beginning of 2020 I was blessed with an opportunity to work with a company I dreamt of working for since 2016… not to say they were horrible, because they weren’t… it was simply a case of the grass not being greener on the other side. I made a decision to take a leap and that leap taught me a lot about myself and cleared up expectations that I had centered around finding a great job to work under someone else. Everything isn’t always what you expect it to be, which was definitely the case with that “dream” job that didn’t live up to the dream.

After that great opportunity began (because it was still that in hindsight), I got pretty sick a couple weeks later. I experienced some frustrations with my status at the company given the abrupt sickness and not much support because I was new, but I think the biggest irritant was how quickly COVID was expanding and spreading. So, about 2 weeks after I got back on my feet from my sickness on March 13 (at that point I had been with the new company for a month and a half) we were instructed to do a test trial of working from home. That following Monday March 16, 2020 we began the official start of 100% telework “until further notice”.

Of course “until further notice” was initially intended to be approximately April 1, but as we all soon realized April 1 was not going to be a viable return date and being locked in the house permanently was the new reality… for me anyway, lol.

Since beginning my year of working from home I’ve experienced a world wind of accomplishments and frustrations; I finished training for that job (because it was still new), I got certified in Amazon Web Services, went through a trying time with my home and wound up moving out, moved on my own for the first time in 29 years, acknowledged that my dream job didn’t come with a lot of the things I dreamt for and decided once I reached the 1 year mark I would start looking for a new job and career path, and never started that search because I was offered a new position in a different field with a much larger organization that I had worked with for years.

Another unexpected blessing that I am truly grateful for. So, I started that new job January of 2021, onboarding fully remote.

I know 2020 wasn’t anything we asked for, but I think for me it was a year of stepping out of my comfort zone. I realized how much of an introvert I am, lol, but not necessarily because I don’t like people… more because of how tiring it is fitting into circles and groups of people that weren’t made for me the same way I wasn’t meant for them. That included doing things that weren’t for me.

I think working from home full time has been a great thing for me. The only thing I would like back is the opportunity to go out and spend time with the people I do want to share my space, time, and energy with after being at home working all day. This opportunity has also shown me to stand up for my effectiveness of working at home on any job… they can’t possibly say it can’t be done now… it’s been done for days, weeks, months, and a year at this point. So, what’s the real excuse?

For my specific circumstances, it was all about control and micromanaging, honestly. My employers were trapped by the will of their clients home (back then) felt that their importance was dictated by overseeing people and their work face to face. By not having contractors in the office 100% I think they felt it would create a sense of uselessness for certain positions that were centered around managing contractual work. That was never the case, however.

Employers have been granted the opportunity to work with their employees and build an environment that is truly balanced and supportive of the many different types of workers represented in the workforce. I even know some people that elected to continue going into the office because that’s what worked for them… I support that knowledge of self and what’s most needed to be productive and successful in any work environment presented. I challenge employers to really evaluate all things in making these types of choices that can assist in having more flexibility with their employees which directly connects to longevity and loyalty to the company.

This is coming from a millennial that gets tired of “traditional” employers thinking we aren’t loyal because we will leave a company that doesn’t treat us fairly for a multitude of reasons… the main reason, however, has always been because we refuse to accept less than our worth.

At this year mark, my current status for going back into the office is still undetermined on an organizational level, and I am perfectly fine with that, lol. I have learned a lot of strengths and tips to be more productive and organized with any work that I do, and I’ve also learned my weaknesses… I know I watch waaaaaaayyyyy to much tv, LOL. But I get my work done!

Overall, am I thankful for COVID? Absolutely not, it’s taken so much more from us than it has given, but I have definitely decided to make the most of the circumstances presented. I am thankful to COVID, however, for the opportunity to advance in ways that may not have occurred otherwise. I can say I am truly proud of the ways I’ve grown and developed as a professional black woman in the corporate world, but also as a black woman in this day and time. I’ve found peace in just being me and standing up for myself in ways that I didn’t even fully realize I needed to.

In reflection of your last year, what’s been the best part of living in a “different” world as a result of the craziness that came with 2020? I know I didn’t write much, but were you able to keep up with things you loved? Were you able to embrace family more? Are you still struggling with these new norms? I want to hear how your journey has flourished and developed!

Be D.O.P.E! Drop some wins and developments you’ve encountered below!
