3/8 Promises and Proclamations

This weeks affirmations:

  1. I am a D.O.P.E. Black Woman!

  2. No one else’s light shines the same as mine!

  3. My life is beautiful, blessed, and bountiful!

  4. I am an irreplaceable influence in the lives of those I love and those around me.

  5. My story was made just for me.

  6. Today I will conquer at least 1 fear!

  7. I will not be made to believe I am less than anything. I am fierce!

  8. God made me!

  9. Girl! You are on fire! The only person that can stop you is YOU!

  10. I dictate my own story, emotions, successes, and motivation. I have control over who I am.

  11. I will leave a meaningful and influential mark on this world.

  12. I am the only person that was created to be me. I embrace my unique purpose in this world.

  13. My words are powerful and I will use them to not only uplift those around me but to uplift myself.

  14. This week will be what I make of it, and I choose to speak positivity, wellness, and wealth into my immediate future.

  15. I will make today a better day than yesterday, tomorrow a better day than today, and continue to claim the progress needed for my success. I can do whatever I need to do, because what is meant for me is for me.

Have a wonderful week Queens!
