Posts in Women's Health
What's up with...?

Please don’t read this like I feel shameful or anything… learning new pieces of yourself is just a piece of life. We are all ever changing, ever growing, and ever needing for new and different things as we mature and experience the world as created by God.

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My father was many things… a saint was not one of them. But in times like this, all I want is to be able to talk to him, hug him. Most of the time I can barely remember what his voice sounded like… or what his face looked like.

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Is Enough, Enough?

If you’re not happy, do what you need to do to change that. Take a step in the right direction to rid your life of toxicity and fill it with appreciation and positivity.

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I am a Black Woman

My current emotional state is stuck in a “limbo” where I’m acknowledging my success up to this point, evaluating what/why I can’t seem to take the next step to do whatever it is I’m trying to do, and questioning where I’m going… what exactly am I trying to do?

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See It, Speak It, Receive It

God instilled power in our tongues. He hears all of our cries, prayers, needs, desires, and affirmations (both positive and negative).

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