The Red Plague

Disclaimer… any men that come into this post are going to immediately regret it. I’m sorry, you’re DOPE too, I know it, but this is one of the reasons why I focus on women. I’M. A. WOMAN. Love you anyway though.

No, this is not something you will ever be able to understand fully that we go through as women, but you could gain some knowledge on what you’ll need to willingly deal with when it comes to loving on a woman PROPERLY. Again, love you anyway but… once a month… we’re going to hate you. It’s a given fact… get over it!

I may be a little hostile, apologies, but trick or treating with Mother Nature this month has been absolutely horrible! She came at the worst possible time, and, of course, when I just want to ball up in the arms of comfort of MY MAN, I don’t have one. Yes, I’m going to take a second to be sad about that, LOL.

I know there are plenty of boys/men I’ve pissed off due to this unbelievably toxic relationship I have with my period. To you all that weren’t egotistical dickheads… I truly apologize. To the rest of ya’ll… you know you deserve every bad thing that’s coming your way, stop with the nonsense and get off this page! LOL

On a serious note, we as women struggle through the most outrageous things with our bodies and I appreciate the men that stand by our side with the tummy rubs, midnight craving runs, and non judgmental ears they provide when we choose to cry over dumb stuff like not putting down the toilet seat or sending a “Good Morning, Beautiful” text a hour later than what you normally do. No, I don’t do that, but my emotions do some extremely outrageous things at that time of the month trust me, LOL.

When I think about it, age has really taken it’s toll on me and I’m not even done changing yet which is too scary to even accept. Then I think about co-existing with another human being of the opposite sex in this binding connection called marriage expecting them to deal with my cataclysmic mood swings once a month when the reality is I don’t even want to deal with me through that! It’s just an all around mess, but it’s going to be okay. I have to keep telling myself that beautiful man will find and love on me exponentially. I will be great! As will all of my beautiful sistas reading this post with the Amen’s and the head nods. Yes, it is definitely happening, LOL, even if it’s just those in my close friend circles doing it.

Shout out to the lucky women that don’t cramp and only suffer for approximately 3 days (on a long rotation) and feel the need to flaunt that extravagance in my face like I’m a peasant! I love you and you give me hope that one day my body will in fact love me the way yours does, LOL.

I had no idea becoming a woman was going to be so painful for me. I was a late bloomer in many ways, but when it hit me, I definitely without doubt wanted to give it back. Cold sweats, cramping, throwing up, back pains, sore body… do you know how ridiculous it is to have your body in pain AND sore at the same time?? Who thought that was a good idea? Please tell them, they’re fired… sorry Eve, but sis you’ve got to go! I don’t forgive you for your transgressions in the garden that now affect us all… I just can’t, LOL, because everybody doesn’t suffer the same. I feel like Eve may have been one of those 3 day women too, LOL, like sis share the wealth, throw me life jacket, SOMETHING!

Whew Jesus! The devil is at work with this hurricane in my pelvis and I rebuke him!

I know this is coming off as ranty and after the last couple weeks I’ve had I think I deserve that much, and I know I can’t possibly be alone in what I’m feeling. Sometimes, I just need the release. I never suffered from mood swings when I was younger, but now it’s like it’s second nature for me.

Although, there are so many unwelcome symptoms in this instance of being a woman I have to step back and really think about the beauty that comes from it. I have moments when I get really sentimental and suffer from baby fever. The joy and beauty in thoughts of one day giving birth and becoming a mother should offset the pain I endure in these hard times. I mean, they don’t, LOL, but it’s nice to believe once I give birth and have a nice little bundle of joy to call my own (after marriage of course) I will appreciate the struggle I am now going through.

On a serious note, I just want to give love to all women out there that feel like things they experience or issues they are faced with are unique to only themselves and may feel weird or strange about it. We are in the same boat, pass the oar (thanks to my friend for that reference). The thing about being a woman is, we all suffer through this and we all yell, curse, and scream through it. I say this because I need to follow my own advice, but talk to your doctor and stay up to date on everything relating to your body. We are our most important advocates when it comes to our health, especially during pregnancy and labor and everything in relation to our sexual organs and our bodies.

I am no specialist and neither biology nor chemistry are included in my profession whatsoever, but I am a firm believer in positive body, mental, and emotional health.

To any men that actually read through this… thank you for caring about us. We appreciate you for the runs to the drug store for pain killers, pads/tampons, ice cream, chocolate and whatever else we ask for in that time of need. I appreciate you are trying and being worried enough to actually read through my rant. Be an advocate for the women in your life, and continue to protect them the way I’m sure you already do. There are so many differences in how we’re raised compared to men but success in all things requires communication and understanding. We are in tune with our emotions, we listen intently, and we latch onto hope like it’s necessary to breathe. The best way to understand your woman, especially when we’re in a heighten emotional state due to Aunt Flo, because I now understand mood swings, don’t be afraid to talk to your woman, and women you have to be open when they ask how they can help. Even if the answer to that is telling them you don’t know and you just need space.

Welp! Thanks for tuning in for this weeks funnel of release!

Be D.O.P.E. black girls!