See It, Speak It, Receive It

Words are so powerful! In observation of my close but approaching birthday I’m embracing good vibes only this week.

The words you speak into the universe transform into energy and that energy is then developed and returned to you, not just in terms of Karma either. Talk about internal battles, the battle I have within myself that occurs most often is over self-affirmation and positive thinking. It’s easier to be pessimistic and assume the worse because we have been conditioned to accept that good things only happen to us on occasion, but that just isn’t true. You are your own worst enemy when it comes to believing in positive outcomes for your life, and being successful in the manner God predestined you to be. Your successes are yours for the taking but you have to speak them into existence.

I used to be negative for a plethora of reasons that don’t need to be justified. At the end of the day, they’re simply excuses for why I wouldn’t believe in myself, used to convince myself that my lack of effort was acceptable, when it wasn’t. The ways we accept mediocrity within ourselves is toxic and that’s what’s killing us and keeps us at the bottom of the food chain.

God instilled power in our tongues. He hears all of our cries, prayers, needs, desires, and affirmations (both positive and negative). Yes… if you think something negative and then speak it aloud, you are affirming that negative thought and fueling it with the energy it needs to transpire in your life. There are enough things in the world draining us of our energy without our added assistance, don’t deplete the energy you have left feeding negativity and false desires. God did not create you to be your own destruction.

This, also, comes in the form of speaking your truth and walking the walk rather than talking the talk. A new friend of mine has made me even more conscious of this than I was prior to meeting him, by pushing me to be uncomfortably direct in our interactions with one another. I’ve come to realize my interactions with people can be driven by what I feel their capacity is rather than what I need their capacity to be, and that is a form of settling.

Last year, I met a woman in the grocery store that pulled me to the side and spoke to me for about 20 minutes. I had never met this woman before in my life, but after speaking to me for 20 minutes she told me, in the most Godly way possible, I need to get it together. I need to speak life into the blessings God has waiting for me to activate them so they may be placed on my path of excellence. She gave me a few tidbits and action items to go home and do, which I did, but it doesn’t stop there. You have to speak the things you want into existence and then walk in the manner necessary to receive the blessings you claim you are prepared to receive.

I’m far from perfect, and I never want anybody to think I’m anywhere close to it. I make mistakes, evaluate where I went wrong and then change my behavior to ignite a new outcome. Doing the same thing repetitively, expecting a different outcome is classified as insanity. If you want to reach a height you’ve never reached before, you MUST do something you’ve never done before.

Need help with some daily affirmations to get started?

  • I am worth EVERYTHING God promised me.

  • I deserve to be loved based on my own standards, desires, and wants; without question.

  • I deserve to be treated as the royalty I believe myself to be.

  • I will do at least 1 thing that makes me happy, today.

  • I am beautiful/handsome/sexy/attractive/amazing.

  • I will find what I am looking for exactly where God placed it to be discovered.

  • I will spread love to at least 1 person today.

  • I will conquer at least 1 fear this week.

  • My fears do not control me and will only help strengthen me for success.

  • It’s okay to not “be” for everyone.

  • I am never alone.

  • I deserve love, I will have what I deserve.

When you start small and make one conscious effort to be better, everything else in your life will fall into place. Don’t give your DOPE away… God made it just for you!

Be DO.P.E. beautiful!