Black Connection

I ride the metro to work everyday during the week and, typically, the only time I have conversation during my ride is when big sis has to ride in too. Well, much to my surprise, while I was on the train on the way to work one day last week this beautiful 77 year old black woman sat right next to me for a few stops. This particular day was an interesting one, didn’t really have many great turns, but that one conversation in the morning stayed with me all day and helped me through the not so fun turns. I didn’t catch the woman’s name but the conversation started because of my nails. She complimented them, instead of judging like many people do because they don’t understand how I function with stiletto nails, LOL. She proceeded to joke with me asking if I thought she could pull them off and I said, “Absolutely!” She giggled and referenced her age as a reason why she wouldn’t be able to pull them off.

I appreciated the conversation because she took the time to share special parts of her life with me like how her mother passed at 95 years of age and not long after, on her mother’s birthday, her husband of 59 years had passed as well. She admitted she struggles with him being gone, but she finds so much more joy in knowing he’s in a better place and no longer struggling here. They had 1 child, and they’re daughter blessed them with three grandchildren who sound amazingly intelligent to be 3 and 5 and 8. She told me about how the babies try to teach her how to use tablets and how her grand daughter’s birthday celebration was the next day. All babygirl said she wanted was to have a sleepover at her grams house. When her stop came, she got up and thanked me for listening and being such a joy to talk with because there aren’t many people like me out here that actually speak back when she initiates a conversation.

She reminded me of my mother…

I chose not to ask for her name because it wasn’t necessary. She left enough of an impact on my life without her name, and it felt like I didn’t need it. What was needed from that interaction was the feeling of peace she gave me. The feeling that everything is going to be okay. She gave me hope when I didn’t even realize I needed hope in certain areas. I found peace in her peace with the life she’s lived so far, and the grace that she knows God still has her here for a reason. She inspired me to keep pushing forward even though I get weary, because I only see the beginning of my story right now, she’s living through the climax of hers.

Cute little lady, with a short cut, had to have been 5 feet tall, fresh french manicure, just as pretty as she wanted to be with a big smile on her face.

Black connections are necessary in this race.

What are you passing on to the souls that you touch on a day to day basis? What lasting impressions are you leaving? Who are you influencing? Who are you encouraging? All of these questions started floating through my mind after she was gone. Her spirit was that amazing. Listening to her stories and hearing her reminisce on her life got me so excited about mine. It’s not about how “great” the moments are, it’s about how you enjoy the moments you have. 59 years of marriage, 3 generations still living, and she got to witness her mother live until 95 years old. What blessings God has placed on her life, that’s all I kept thinking as she spoke to me, and she isn’t stopping any time soon.

Sometimes, we need to slow down and appreciate the life around us. Connect with your people and embrace the stories and the love they have to give and want to pass on to you. Black connections are so very necessary. They keep our people moving and connected. They keep our stories alive and the fire for a better life burning. We hear so much negative news from day to day, and disheartening updates on how the world is going to crap that we forget to appreciate the beauty God placed on this earth.

The organic connections I am building with new people, I’m grateful for. The organic connections I will build with people that I have not yet been blessed to come in connection with, I welcome. The organic connections I have with my loved ones, I hope to continue to water and nourish because they deserve to be appreciated. Take a second and slow down to enjoy your surroundings. Turn down the noise, cut off the static, and appreciate life without the gadgets and the distractions that we so easily lose ourselves in.

Just a thought.

Be D.O.P.E.