Tatt Tatt Tatted Up

I had a bit of a mental set back with work recently in reference to being a black woman in a corporate office setting with the beginnings of a half sleeve on my arm.

Ya’ll I forgot my sweater and got so self conscious when I realized my arm (pictured at the end) would be out… while I was walking to work the next day, I had to think about why it mattered so much, because I’m NOT embarrassed by my body art by any means. Then I thought about it and realized, my concern is more about understanding the setting I’m in, the people I work with, and knowing how to effectively defend myself if someone tries to attack me and my character or ability to execute what I’ve been hired to do because of my appearance.

Being a black woman in a field that’s overrun by men (the most prevalent being white men) it’s a constant battle to prove I not only belong here, but I probably have more of a valid purpose here than they do. Walking into work everyday being aware of how I’m perceived and if somebody’s going to look at how I’m dressed with a strange face or question why my hair is the way it is or even just wondering what I could possibly be doing here… that’s a full time job in itself. Then add in being a millennial, because for some reason so many companies think we’re a nuisance, but on top of all of that now I also choose to have tattoos and piercings… yes, these are all of the things people look at when they see me before they can even preview the work I do and the impact I bring into an office setting…

Who would have thought a young black woman couldn’t go to work and just you know… do her work without being picked apart and being aware that these things can and do happen.

The truth of the matter is, people already feel they have enough to judge me on because I’m a woman, I’m black, I’m young, I have locs, and on top of that I choose to have piercings and tattoos. To be clear, I’m not ashamed of myself by any means and that moment really brought me aback because I’ve ALWAYS had visible tattoos in the workplace; currently I have 8, some of which are not immediately visible. It was strange to worry about something so small in the grand scheme of things, but that made me realize how much racism impacts our day to day lives whether we realize it or not, outside of being afraid for our men and young people being shot by cops or having the police called on them simply because of the color of their skin.

I often live my life under the scope that I am an impactful person and all someone needs to do is meet me to notice that. It doesn’t matter what I look like, all that matters is what I bring to the table, although, I’ve always known that wasn’t the complete truth, I aim to live my life as though it is possible. There’s more to me that a nice looking face and features I was born with that I’d never change about myself. There’s also a substantial creative side to me on top of my analytical, technical, and business professional capabilities. We are all so much more than what people choose to see us as, we are tasked with challenging their ignorance with the facts of who we are and our tangible skillsets that they, for whatever reason, don’t think we possess.

If you’re feeling a little insecure about something or find yourself wanting to cover a piece of yourself for acceptance in your work place or anywhere else, remember you’re in the position you’re in for a reason. Don’t question your abilities and definitely don’t hide your truth! If you’re really not the best person for the job, God will move you where you need to go and keep you on the right path of growth.

Be D.O.P.E. today and this week because it’s who you naturally are! Don’t let anyone make you question yourself, when you own it they fall in line and don’t question you!

P.S. Shoutout to Pretty in Ink Tattoos and Jackie for executing this dream on my arm for my birthday last year!
Check her and the team out at http://prettyinink.net and on IG @Prettyininktattoos.
Jackie, the owner, is D.O.P.E., the shop has D.O.P.E. vibes, and the experience itself is D.O.P.E.; can’t wait to go back! (No, she did not ask for this shoutout lol)
