
No… is absolutely… a complete sentence.

Don’t let these punks out here have you questioning yourself thinking your concrete decision is something they can still persuade you to change.


I may have been holding in some repressed feelings in reference to this, lol, apologies.

Seriously, I do this to myself all too often and I’m tired of saying yes to be accommodating for people that aren’t as flexible for me. I think the most frustrating thing about holding on to your energy is the uncertainty of somebody being willing to assist you the way you’ve been willing to be there for them.

If you’re a giving person like me, “yes” is such an easy sentence and answer to give to somebody you care about that’s asking for your time, energy, expertise, whatever it may be. Because I love to believe people are good, or if I’m nice enough to someone they’ll be more willing to be there in my times of need. You get more bees with honey than vinegar, right? Wrong! There are so many times since I started college until now that people have been so disappointing when I needed them to be there for me. No, I’m not talking about everybody, but I’m sure if those people were reading this now, they’d know I was speaking to them.

What am I charging you to do for the rest of this year? Protect your peace. Live life for yourself and nobody else. Say no if that’s what’s going to make you feel the best and remember, you may feel bad for turning them down, but now you don’t have to do something you truly did not want to do. Or more importantly, you didn’t give yourself to somebody that didn’t deserve your time and energy in a moment when I’m pretty positive you’ll need it more than them.

Adulting is for the birds, seriously, lol, but it’s all about learning to balance the multiple facets of your life so you can live in a sense of unity in spite of all the things that will try to throw you off track. When you find true balance within yourself there are so many things that will open up for you and just start to fall into your lap without needing to try ridiculously hard. Your passions and interest will be watered and they will manifest in ways you didn’t imagine, all because you learned how to say no, but more importantly you learned there are times you don’t need to say yes, because not everything is for you.

Remember to protect your peace as you continue to be D.O.P.E. Share your DOPEness but don’t expel all of your magic into everybody else while forgetting to refuel yourself and your energy. We can’t save everyone, but we can definitely save ourselves and God already has it all worked out!

Be D.O.P.E.!