Adulting Through 2020 (Life Update)

I can imagine what you thought as soon as you saw a post from me… “where this girl been?!”

Imagine what my thoughts were… “where this girl been?!”

Excuses… I have none… at least none different than the rest of the world in regards to 2020.

Needless to say this year has been a mixed bag of emotions and an unexpected bag of events. I definitely was not ready for anything that was coming, but I think I did my best to maneuver these obstacles the best way I knew how.

Some things suffered, other things flourished… now I’m in the phase after the storm, settling into new norms and new chapters, waiting for next steps that are soon coming but pending.

Adulting… is not fun as is let’s just start there… but adulting during 2020 has been ridiculous.

I’m 29 now… there was a lot leading up to my birthday and getting closer to 30 and then, yes, as I acknowledged before I went a little ghost.

Long story short… I lost my desire to put my thoughts out there for the world to see. It grew tiresome having people think they could be in my life by reading my words and not wanting to actually speak to me. You know… experience my life from a far and still think they were owed a place in it.

And I know some of these people are going to text and/or call me asking if I’m talking about them… I have no desire to have that convo so… let’s just not go there because I’m not entertaining those conversations.

After taking a break, in an attempt to refocus on myself and figure out what the heck I’m actually doing in life everything else fell apart… my living situation got crazy, basement flooded, tree fell on the roof, and somebody broke into my house… for those of you that were looking for me, I was working through that for 3 months.

Matter fact let’s take a break and discuss that last part… some fool broke into our house! And clearly he wasn’t smart, I mean, we caught him on camera but the police wouldn’t do anything about it… Covid made it a little hard on top of pre-existing lack of response since the robber was wearing a mask (oh Covid, you are a wonderful excuse for anyone this year). Anyway, after ineffectively raiding through some belongs and opening all of the doors in the house, he walked out of our front door with my 55” TV on his shoulder strolling down the street in the same direction the cops appeared from 3 minutes later.

This idiot took the TV but took the cable remote LOL… not a funny situation but the more we sat on it the more entertaining it actually became.

Well, after all of that, we sold the house and, although I know so many people don’t feel like I was homeless because I had somewhere to go, I was a little “displaced” for about a month.

As I explained before, I was in the middle of a house search, but all of this happened so fast. In my mind purchasing my own home before 30 had to be the next because what else is there, right? So, I was really trying to make that happen when the opportunity to work from Barbados presented itself, so that then became the plan, but life works in mysterious ways apparently, so, that quickly fell through the gaps and I was left with a decision… keep struggling with this program (that I will keep nameless) to purchase a home and possibly not find one for 3 more years or get an apartment.

Needless to say… this blog post after five months of silence is coming from my new apartment!


I wasn’t ready for the turns I had to make this year, but I know I had to endure them to make it here.

There were a bunch of other little things going on in the midst of all of that, and a few exciting opportunities that have been placed in my path for reality in the near future sooooooo… more updates to come definitely, lol.

Please understand my absence, and accept my humanity. Adulting is already hard, and then the universe threw 2020 in the mix, LOL, what can I say… I needed a break.

I’ve been on an amazing anime kick throughout the pandemic, however, and oh my gosh! Lovecraft Country just made my life! I want to write and share with the world what’s going on with me… sometimes, lol. I’m working my way back to my passion and walking my path to the next chapter of me… can’t wait to see who she is!

But I hope you all never forget to stay D.O.P.E. in my absence and are excited for the new journey just as much as I am! 2020 won’t beat us!

Sidebar… pushing me to get back to writing was needed, I’m appreciative for the support and encouragement, thank you :). I may be looking into some new ways to share in the future we’ll see lol.

Be D.O.P.E.