Make an Investment

I’ve had a lot of internal debates with how I want to grow myself and my brand and how to take a step forward to what I think my end goal is… creating generational wealth and freedom from labor to other people’s causes and dreams. My biggest battles come from choosing to invest in myself and figuring out what the next best step is before I take it. My most recent debate, which prompted this specific blog post, was buying my first t-shirt for the D.O.P.E. brand that is me.

I’ve had hesitation with taking new steps in my venture and I wasn’t really sure what was causing the hesitation… until I connected the dots. Thee Michelle B was birthed out of who I am, and everybody has the worry of their ideas not being accepted by the masses, but I wanted to start a blog for years and never did it because of ONE comment that somebody I expected to support me made… “Are you sure you’re not trying to do too much in one year?” I ultimately took that as though I didn’t have an idea good enough to succeed, so why start something else to fall by the waste side?

I’m sure some people are thinking why would I let somebody else dictate the steps I made, but other people’s doubt can take over when you already doubt yourself and are afraid of the risk you have to endure on your own. I see now that my personal doubt mainly came from my uneasiness in deciding what type of entrepreneur I wanted to be, and what I was great at, not just good at. My hesitation allowed that comment to deter me from working through the pieces that needed to be deciphered to get to where I am now.

Honestly, love can be clouding… love of family, love of friends, and love of a partner.

My mother and my sisters are my catalyst to do what I do. My mother has always been very unique, a social butterfly, and happy with the path she walks opposed to the rest of the world, both in her faith and in her personal influence of others. She is a pillar of strength, a little fashionista, make-up guru, the most faith based person I know, and always encourages me on my endeavors to uplift young women. I would not be where I am today without her and all of her support. My sisters are the same way, and all three of us have had our trials to overcome and persevere towards the end goal that is being as D.O.P.E. as mom.

There have been countless times where I have witnessed close friends of mine not believe in themselves when it comes to something they want; love interests, searching for a new job, or even just expanding an idea that is phenomenal and undiscovered that could change the game for black women. They let fear overshadow their desire for something and stand in their way of flourishing in outstanding ways. When I say I have some D.O.P.E. women in my life I am not joking. It honestly hurts to watch the women I love lower their standards of success out of fear, and it hurts because I was doing the same thing not too long ago… I’m still fighting the battle today! It took a leap of faith (after being slightly pushed, LOL) to get to the beginning of my journey to success, and EVERYDAY I have to remind myself it takes work, time, and dedication to get to a position of status, but I do have role models like Demetria Lucas, Khadeen Ellis, and Amanda Seales to admire and thank for showing me I can be a black girl and be successful as long as I push forth and do the work.

I’ve always been a great supporter of everyone else and that’s what cleared my mind about this particular new endeavor I was back and forth on. One of my main interests right now is clearing up my personal debt while building my own art and name with the world. Any entrepreneurs reading this will know building a company and brand costs money, you MUST invest in yourself. Here I am penny pinching about purchasing 1 t-shirt to further my growth when I would buy this same item from anybody else trying to do the same thing for themselves, and that is a fact because I recently did it. How could I support somebody else’s dream and not invest in my own? So, I’m thankful for that friend because without their steps to be D.O.P.E. and my desire to invest in their dream, I would more than likely still be dragging my feet to give everybody what they’ve been asking me for since I started talking about it.

The last thing I want to do is start this venture and then plateau because I’m too afraid to take the next step. I heard somewhere that the only difference in those that fail and succeed, in an attempt to start a business, is that those who fail accepted a failure and stopped pushing forward, those that succeed failed time and time again until they made it. Of course I know there are other factors that can play into why somebody would stop pushing forward on something that seems unfruitful but I agree with the statement and I always have. My guilt in believing that is also believing I didn’t have the motivation and determination to be a success in my own venture… how dare I.

I am at a position in my life where I have friends that are greatly successful in ventures they’ve started and are doing the hell out of this adulting thing, but at the very same time I have friends who are afraid to get started or don’t have the catalyst necessary to get to the success the others have. Let me start by saying that is okay! Everybody grows at a different pace and chooses to take the first steps in different ways. I’m just here to say, don’t stand in your own way. Don’t support other peoples dreams of going into business for themselves, buying a new car, investing in a house, or any of the amazing things we do in our sister circles, but then don’t give yourself that same respect, support, and encouragement. I can guarantee there are so many people that will back you and support you if you are about your business and really set your mind to what it is that you KNOW you are great at and will prove that you can do.

Start today! You don’t have to do anything big but choose to start investing in yourself TODAY; buy yourself something nice to wear, talk to that guy that you think is cute, apply for that job you really want despite wondering if you’re qualified, or write down your ideas for the company you KNOW you want to start and get the ball rolling. God did not make us fearful, take your worries to him and he will cast your fears aside.

Be D.O.P.E. Black Girl!