Acknowledge Greatness

There is literally ALWAYS somebody watching you, the things you do, and how you move through life. I’ve had a plethora of mentees, little sisters, resolution seekers, and advice cravers in my lifetime. Half the time I still look at life like I’m about to turn 20 and have no idea what I’m doing, but in reality I’m closing in on 30 like I’m running a sprint and can’t wait to win a trophy or something. My main goal working through life is setting an example for all of the young women that look up to me for guidance, advice, support, and most importantly love.

It’s so important for us to turn around and give back to the places we grow from and to plant a seed in the lives of younger women that remind us of ourselves. Imagine the powerhouse you would be if EVERY woman in your life instilled a bit of their greatness in you. Some women have been blessed enough to have encouragement at every step and and have had the opportunities to work on themselves from a young age, but this is a challenge to help lift up those little black girls that aren’t afforded the same opportunities you were and are currently receiving.

Be a Blessing.

Build upon the royalty that is a black woman.

Black women today, yes in 2019, are underappreciated. We are the backbone upon which society stands on. Our values, the love we give, our loyalty, the strength we have, there are literally so many things that we are not acknowledged for that make the world turn. When you pass a black woman today, give her a compliment. Spread the positivity we deserve to others and watch it blossom into something you never thought positive. Call a black woman that has changed your life in ways you haven’t acknowledged her for, and say thank you. Send some quick love your mother’s way. Tell your sister’s you wouldn’t be who you are without them. Then reach back and tell the young girl that watches you be amazing in awe of your opulence, and tell her she can do ANYTHING she sets her mind to.

It is our choice to be great!

Be the version of yourself that you wish you had when you were younger, and tell the adopted little sister in your life that you see yourself in “Look what I did! You can do this too!”

To all of the women that made me who I am, thank you. This is only the beginning of my story, and just as much as I appreciate my role models for believing in me I’m thankful for my little sisters that think the world of me. I am literally doing this for you… the ones that believed in me even when I didn’t know what I had to be believed in.

Who helped make you who you are and who do you work to make proud? What are some things we can do within our community as black women that can encourage the next generation to keep pushing? Send whoever you love this way to join in on the conversation!

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