Manifest (Season 1)


I finally sat down and watched this amazing TV Series! You should too if you haven’t heard about it yet.

Can you imagine getting on a normal flight to return home from a family vacation and upon your return you’re told you’ve been missing for 5 1/2 years, but for you it’s only been a matter of hours? That’s the reality of the passengers on flight 828 in Manifest. After getting on their flight from Jamaica in 2013 they experience a little turbulence and upon their arrival in New York City they’re informed it’s 2015 and their plan has been missing for 5 1/2 years with no trace of what may have happened to them.

Michaela Stone (Melissa Roxburgh - Star Trek Beyond), her brother Ben Stone (Josh Dallas - Once Upon a Time), and his son Cal Stone (Jack Messina) are on this mysterious flight while their family (their parents, Ben’s wife, and Cal’s twin sister) returned on their original flight making it home without issue. Their family later finds out flight 828 has gone missing and start on a long road to recovery and moving forward with life after their loss. There was no way anybody could have known what those decisions would mean 5 years later, but they quickly learn the return of their loved ones will be harder than they could have ever imagined in the midst of praying they’d return.

One of the worst situations for me was watching Michaela returns with hopes of giving her soon to be fiance a yes in response to his proposal, only to find out since her disappearance he got married to her best friend! Whew chillay… the ghetto! We can tackle that atrocity at a later time, however.

Michaela and Ben also return to find that their mother has passed away after getting sick, Ben’s wife has found a new man, and Olive, Cal’s twin sister, is now 5 years older than he is. The biggest thing is after the passengers of flight 828 make it home, strange things begin to happen to a portion of them. Initially thinking they’ve caught a case of the crazies, they hide the voices in their heads and feelings urging them to act out of fear of being turned into lab experiments for the government. We later find out that wasn’t something easy to avoid for all of those that began experiencing these heightened abilities. Michael, Ben, and Cal are all among those that have been blessed with these “powers” and use the “calling” to save an amazing amount of people that otherwise would have been dead. It definitely helps a great deal as Michaela is placed back on the police force and is reinstated as a detective.

Through all the trials and obstacles presented to the Stone family, they find a way to keep their heads up and push forward to strengthen their bond and find the lives that was only dreamt of but has turned reality. This family investigation into Government cover-ups, mystery plane rides, paranormal caves and car crashes, causes the characters to learn what lengths they are willing to go to use their calling for good.

The first season sparks so many questions and desires for answers. I’m not completely satisfied with the cliff hangers that were left, but I believe it’s a great set up for continued success in the series. It’s definitely a series that will make you want more and create 5 new questions for every 1 question answered. Built for success truly.

But back to this messy love triangle… I’m not so hurt for Michaela. I would say this is some white ish, but the best friend and ex fiance who are now married aren’t white… yikes. All I Can really say is I’d be devastated if I came back from the dead to find that any of my best friends/sisters thought it was a good idea to marry a man that I was in love with before I disappeared. Especially when it’s been 5 years for them, but only about 5 hours for Michaela. Then, the friend had the nerve… the AUDACITY to be upset when some thangs went down with her husband and Michaela. I tell ya some people need to get their priorities straight. I wouldn’t do that to a friend because anybody my best friends date are BROTHERS to me, LOL. EW!

Definitely check out Manifest, it’s a DOPE show, with DOPE characters, and on it’s way to some great stuuuuuffffff.


Season 1 premiered: September 24, 2018 on NBC
Where I watched: Hulu

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