Power (Final Season)


We’ve all patiently waited for the epic ending to the Power series. There were so many questions after the Season 5 finale with Angela getting shot leaving Jamie and Tommy at War. It feels like so many people have died on Ghost’s path to the end of this series, but I’m seriously curious to find out if he’s finally going to meet the inside of a body bag. The trailers have had us on edge with Tasha’s taste for revenge brewing, Tariq’s knuckle-headedness boiling to a head, Tommy’s insanity reaching its peak, and Ghost losing the love of his life along with everything else he’s lost thus far.

I’m not sure what to expect with this season but I know for sure this first episode had it’s share of drama, per usual. If you haven’t watched it yet don’t read any further. This is your Warning.

I’m over Tommy and Ghost. They’ve both lost control of reality and neither one of them is going to wind up with anything good happening to them. From Tommy missing Ghost at the end of last season and killing Angela, to Ghost making an attempt on Tommy while he’s at the connect and missing I’m at a lost for words. As “clean” as Ghost appeared to be at the beginning of this series until now, I’m not impressed with his as a person; good thing he’s a fictional character.

I’m far from knowledgeable about the drug world and criminal activity, so i won’t speak to how I think things should be. I would actually hate to be in any of the situations these characters have experienced in 5 seasons. If I was Tasha, I would have been thoroughly excited and happy that my man said he wanted out of the game… she was truly stupid there. Now she wants to be legit, in love with a lawyer (oh brother) who’s now dead because of the nonsense she wanted to keep going ; Tasha, stop. Her mother isn’t any better either. If I went to my mother saying I was leaving my drug lord of a husband, mom would not be telling me how he isn’t letting me go, she would probably approach him with the blood of Jesus and scare him out of my life, LOL.

Angela dying really took me for a loop. I could have sworn I was watching a sneak peak clip or something and one of the questions was is Angela really dead. Could have sworn they said she wasn’t dead, but yikes… looks like she lost that battle. Her sis Paz is out for blood, and I get that she wants Ghost to be the one that killed her, but sis might mess around and get herself killed with her reactions. The writer in me wants either Tommy or Ghost to kill each other, but the avid Power viewer in me is assuming they’re going to have to team up to take care of some other ish that will make absolutely no sense, and we’ll end up with both of them somehow walking away with nothing happening to them. I must say I hope the second part of that assumption is incorrect.

Quick side bar to Tariq negotiating with Tasha on going back to school… The fact that she gave him a hour to do “whatever” he didn’t want to tell her makes me uncomfortable. She needs to get a handle on that before he ends up dead like Raina by the end of this series. He’s a child, he has to get what’s coming to him, seriously…

Kanaan is dead… Tommy puts his ashes on a blunt and smokes it… I’m disturbed.

This entire thing is just messy. People of the law out discussing federal investigation in the public with people that shouldn’t have the information. Sikes flat out admits to breaking the law and sharing classified information but he gets a pass as long as he gets the culprit. Of all the people in that office to get fired and be reprimanded for the death of Angela, of course it’s the black woman *insert eyeroll*.

Lastly, where is Dre going to wind up after all of this? He can’t possibly be gone, gone from the series. I have a lot of questions and don’t want to fill a post up with them. This episode definitely lived up to the series standard of messiness and drama I’ll give it that, but I’m prettry sure I’m happy this is the last season. The series is starting to get into the blurred area where it’s too much drama and not enough realistic story exposition. I just don’t want it to get to the point where I’m watching and wondering why I was ever interested in the first place, and trying to determine “who thought this was a good idea,” LOL.

Let’s see what Season 6 has in store for us. Let me know what you thought!

Be D.O.P.E.