I Am Mother (Netflix Original)


I Am Mother is a Netflix original that had been popping up on my timeline for a few weeks so I decided to give it a chance. I must admit I wasn’t super impressed with it. The movie had a really slow story line and I was confused at, what I believe, were important moments in the plot. I love film, so, I had no problem watching until the end, but I was definitely distracted from being able to focus on the complete goal of the movie because of the pace and lack of human interaction between the characters.

WARNING: If you want to watch this movie there are spoilers ahead, you may not want to continue reading.

I Am Mother takes place after what appears to be the extinction of the human race. Genetic farms are created and contain stored embryos to re-populate the earth in case humans become extinct. This plan is to be executed and these farms monitored and cared for by a robotic population created by man to protect humans from dangerous circumstances… sounds like a movie I’ve seen before. iRobot was very similar in structure and was also not all that great, but at least we got watch Will Smith in a paranoid state as he battled to prove the robots were corrupted to save humans before they became extinct. So, I’m just wondering, as smart as these humans in this movie were to create Mother, why weren’t they smart enough to stop her before going rogue?

Mother is the droid charged to protect the farm the movie takes place on. We watch as she raises one girl, Daughter (innovative name, really), to be the “perfect” human and kick start giving life to more children like her to prevent this tragedy from happening again. We later find out that not all humans are extinct, the world isn’t actually infected with contagions, and it was actually destroyed by these droids that realized humans were the actual threat to their own race.

There were two things that stood out the most to me while I watched the movie and made it a flop for me.

  1. Robots can’t give the nurturing aspect needed to raise humans. Also, the casting for this little girls different ages sucks because they don’t really look alike. That of course later was revealed to be on purpose because Mother has been killing kids that weren’t good enough and starting the process over. WTF?!

  2. This droid can’t show any emotions. I understand the lighted knobs that represent her mouth were supposed to show her amusement, but I don’t feel that idea was executed properly. It’s a robot, it shouldn’t be smiling anyway, LOL. I know that’s probably the point but I wasn’t feeling that ONE emotion she could display. It didn’t give the movie enough added anything.

Overall, I watched the movie, LOL. The visuals and the acting were DOPE, however, I just wish the plot and story had more depth to it. Go check it out! You may like it and disagree with me.

Be D.O.P.E.!

Release Date: January 25, 2019 (Sundance Film Festival Premiere) June 7, 2019 (Netflix Streaming Release Date)
Where I watched: Netflix