The Lion King (2019)


ANYBODY that knows me should know this movie means the world to me. I have been waiting…. WAITING for this movie ever since I first heard it announced in 2017. Don’t ask me specifically when, I don’t remember.

A lot of people feel a special connection to the original which I understand. I will forever be grateful to June 24, 1994 for this amazing piece of artistry release by Disney. Also, for the special edition release in 2003 (I believe) containing an additional song, “Morning Report,” added into the film, along with a cover of Disney Channel stars singing “The Circle of Life” as a bonus feature on the DVD. I know a few people that didn’t care for the additions or remakes, and also some that don’t like this live action version, but I am about all things Lion King, and Disney, so they all make my heart flutter.

I did have some reservations about the cast for this live action remake, however. I knew I’d love it no matter what, because it’s Lion King, but there was something about Beyoncé portraying Nala that made me unsure of the final outcome for the film. No shade to Beyoncé, I don’t need any of the Beyhive coming after me, she’s a great performer, but her voice is very distinct and I was worried her entity would overshadow the movie and the nostalgia that it should come with. Animated films don’t need big names to impact their audience, especially not Disney films that are being re-envisioned and brought to the big screen in a new light.

This review does contain spoilers considering the remake has added/altered dialogue and scenes. Don’t read this if you’re trying to avoid spoilers… this is your warning.

The opening scene was so beautiful to watch and when I say they nailed it, it mirrored the original without flaw. From the baby giraffe running to catch up to it’s mother all the way to the zebra turning around in the crowd during the slow pan away from Simba’s presentation into the title screen. If I didn’t have anything else good to say about this movie, which isn’t the case, this would be the one thing that I could never speak ill of. The CGI was so exact and realistic I want to watch that part again, side by side with the animated version to see what the differences actually were. Absolutely amazing!

Now, for the rest of the movie…

I can admit it was a little weird experiencing the movie in live action. Watching the animals talk and having their mouths move like humans mouths was a little weird, but of course that’s the case because they’re animals, LOL. If you’re as familiar with the script from the animation as I am, the change in dialogue might throw you off a little, but it’s bearable. Well, I won’t speak for anybody else, I may just be biased because I love the movie so much. The comedic element was lost to me, however. I know they couldn’t do the movie over word for word but some of the punchlines that replaced the originals were lost on me. I definitely didn’t get the same element of funny from this as I got from the original.

Then there’s the voice overs. As I said, I had some reservations already about how the cast, more specifically Beyoncé, would do as a voice actress. Once she came on screen as Nala it was distracting for me, it was hard to watch the movie and not envision Beyoncé sitting on a stool, holding her script, and reading into a mic. I personally feel she was too notable to be in this role and that took away from the nostalgia for me. Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino, on the other hand didn’t distract me from the movie as much. I knew it was him but his voice was so calming his identity faded into the background and allowed Simba to be portrayed over his own reputation. I’m sure some people will be upset about that thought but it’s okay, it’s just a risk that’s taken when casting animated films with big names. Beyoncé is definitely going to bring the crowd in and Disney is going to make so much money back on their investment in this remake, because of her alone, that It wouldn’t even matter if the movie was horrible and should never be seen by man. It’s The Lion King with Beyoncé, LOL, the world was undoubtedly going to be there to support it.

Casting and scripting, I’m sure, were the hardest parts in this entire process for Disney. Trying to keep the integrity of the movie while also presenting something new and intriguing sounds like an exhaustive task. I truly believe the efforts were there, but key elements for me were left behind, leaving the story missing something. Our favorite Timon and Puumba team didn’t execute their staple humorous personalities for me. I have to say the same for Rafiki as well, who was one of my favorite characters from the animated film. He didn’t give me the same joy and fun as he originally did, however, his wisdom and guidance was still portrayed through the respect and acknowledgement he received from Mufasa and Simba.

Overall, was I extremely satisfied with the execution? No, but I was satisfied with the moments of notoriety that were executed very well. The visuals and beauty of the film were amazing, aside from the few moments I got strange Tim Burton feels in how the animals moved (like puppets in Coraline or Beetlejuice). Also, even though the script didn’t fully please me the plot was still genuine and executed with the same feeling and emotion as I remember every time I watch the original.

I’m glad I got to experience this live action remake and I’m appreciative of all the hard work that went into making my favorite film come to life. I definitely suggest anybody that’s a fan of The Lion King the way I am to go see it and share it with your kids. Use it as a bonding experience and pass the love along to the next generation. It’s the same heartwarming film we all know and love with some twists to fit the next generation.

Let me know what you think when you go see it!

Be D.O.P.E.!

Release Date: July 19, 2019
Where I watched: Xscape Theaters - Brandywine, MD