
I’m anxious…

Love never gave me this angst before.
Not… that I love you…
Not that I want to spend the rest of my life with…
Not that I think about having children, a family, or 3 cars in the driveway of my dream home built from the ground up as my gift from you…

I do…

Like you.

But words
They’d never flow through my fingers with joy
Only through the darkest hours were
My words elegantly implanted on a page.

The plastic surgery you’ve caused my
Writer’s block to go through is overwhelmingly…

You see this lift of passion here
And that injection of imagery there.
And I’m not a fan of enhancing yourself
For the greater good of some dick
These enhancements you’ve inflicted
Were a breakthrough for the sick

Your “I miss you’s”
Are like reminders of what love used to be


I’m anxious… of being re-written
Knowing the reflections
And magnetized reactions of one person
But forever doesn’t last always.
Knowing one person
Was a running person
And would move on to the next prize
To become the won person
You lost.

And now I have you
I’ve found you
I’m with you
I hear… you
And I’m anxious...