How To Get Away With Murder (Series Finale)



I just finished watching the series finale, so if you haven’t seen it yet, go check that out before reading.

Spoiler Alert!

When the episode started I was definitely nervous about if it was going to close out the series good enough, but why would I ever doubt the wonderful Shonda Rhimes! She’s so amazing at what she does and truly has a gift for story telling.

I just want to acknowledge how amazing the character of Annalise Keating (Viola Davis) was in representing black women and the dedication we have to protecting the world around us at all costs despite the things that come against us in this world. The closing statement she gave was genius in laying out the horrors that attack us throughout our lives as black women that we don’t let overcome us or count us out of success.

But let’s not jump the gun, lol. I will say this series had some many twists and turns and honestly I don’t know realistic these situations are but I wouldn’t be surprised if things like this did really happen in real life. Starting this final season out, I didn’t believe we had experienced six seasons of watching her be a badass just to die at the end of it all, that was not acceptable AT ALL, so I was super excited to find out the funeral wasn’t present day and she had actually come out on top of it all!

It was nice to see the visual build of Annalise taking her “masks” off throughout the season. For 5 seasons she was this well put together representation of what the world thought she should look like and act like, but this season she embraced her natural beauty and truth. From the natural hair to embracing her passion, which the world often likes to misinterpret as anger and attitude. Up until her closing argument where she really lays her truth on the line and we see her accept that the world will either accept her as she is or not and there’s not much else she can do to inspire those opinions.

On to the little minions….

Michaela… Michaela, Michaela, Michaela… I admire the ambition she’s had for the series, but that’s about it. Her morals are complete and utter TRASH! I’m not really shocked that she loses all of her friends because of her dedications to only preserving herself and not including her circle in those decisions. I felt bad for how she had to carry the weight of killing Sam when that wasn’t her intention, but all of the noise she’s brought into the fold with her decision making was stressful, lol. I’m not sure if she was really built to be a representation of how Annalise was when she was younger, but baby needs some therapy and some real love in her life. Hopefully, her trifling daddy actually changes route and handles the future of their relationship better than he did in the past, because sweet girl is messed up in the head and needs SOMEBODY. Not that he’s an outstanding citizen or an exceptional role model to begin with.

I’m glad Connor had a conscious and actually wanted to do the “right” thing. Although, it was ridiculously late and poorly timed after lying on the stand already. I did actually like Connor throughout the series probably because his tragic white boy story was entertaining and expected, lol. I think Oliver was good for him, but equally Connor was BAAAADDD for him. I don’t know that I’m upset Connor ended up serving time but there’s a definite testimony of their love that they make it through and are still together all those years later at Annalise’s funeral.

Side bar… is it just me or were the kids really old looking considering Annalise was 53 in the trial and she died in old age, but the students are supposed to be in their 20s… age did not do well on them. Probably all that murder they’ve been living with, LOL.

Now, for Laurel. I’m proud she was the only one with a conscious. She was honestly just as trifling as the rest of them, but I commend her for changing her thought processes and really doing what was best for Kristoff at the end of it all. I wasn’t impressed with Wes becoming Kristoff though. I understand the purpose of it, I just don’t appreciate the blatant mislead that provided to making me think Wes was about to make so strange comeback from the dead after being dead for 3 seasons. I get it, it was a cute projection and nice representation of how his legacy has lived on in spite of his death, etc, it was just a little cheesy, lol. I wonder if Laurel was honest with him about everything that happened… especially the part about having her dad killed. Jorge definitely deserved it, but I just wonder how all of these truths from Laurel’s past would psychologically affect Kristoff, along with the lies that his father was emotionally unstable and of course, dead.

So, when it comes to Bonnie and Frank, I have to actually say how beautifully executed their demise was. Tragic love story of course, but definitely a play on the Romeo and Juliet story, which I LOVED. They were never going to be able to be together. I think Frank would have thought things through better if he would have known Bonnie would die as an effect of his actions, but again that’s the beauty of the Romeo and Juliet tragedy. Frank had some demons, but the truth of Sam and Hannah being his parents… that was just jacked up, and I understand why it cracked him. Bonnie would have gone crazy without Frank anyway so I believe the best way to close out her story line was to let her pass with her love. She already lost Ronald AND helped Nate cover that up… can you imagine Bonnie trying to move through life after losing another man she loved and couldn’t save?

Overall, the series was amazing! Super excited to see another series centered around a successful black woman run it’s course with her coming out on top. Really a great runner up for Scandal if you ask me, and they even had a great crossover before we laid our dear Olivia Pope to rest… I might go back and watch that series again. Truly phenomenal material.

Shonda Rhimes, never disappoints and I’m super excited for everything else she has going on and all of the outstanding stories still to come from that genius brain of hers. I’ve thought a few times about trying out Grey’s Anatomy, but I just can’t bring myself to go down that road, lol.

Welp check it out and let me know your thoughts! I know that was everything that could be addressed but I could literally ramble on and on about this show. Sad to see it end, but all good things do that.

Be D.O.P.E!

Series Finale: May 14, 2020
Where I watched: Fios