Love is Blind (Netflix)


Before we even go here… let me start by saying I absolutely HATE reality TV shows lol.

I kept hearing about Love is Blind and then some very close friends of mine had text messages waiting for me when I woke up one morning super hyped about it so I decided to give it a try.

When I say pure entertainment… whew baby, lol I was cracking up. Now, don’t get me wrong, the experiment seems super intense and valid, but I don’t know that I could go through that and then actually go through with the marriage at the end. That’s too permanent for me.

Warning! If you haven’t seen it and you’re interested but don’t want spoilers, stop reading now.

Love is Blind is a Netflix series that takes love and throws it into an experiment to test if mental and emotional ties can truly help a couple withstand the sands of time and the controversy of the world and push forward into Marriage after blindly dating for 10 days you pick someone out of a group of many that you connect with the most, the kicker is you’ve never seen them until after the blind proposal.

My overview of the couples and their storybook endings:

Carleton and Diamond… had to start with them. Carleton, my guy… you’ve definitely got some issues you need to work through. That blow up stemmed from things he hasn’t yet accepted within himself. I mean it’s fine if you’re bi-sexual or fluid (he used that term) and you’re worried your final decision to be with a woman may be met with resistance, but if you don’t first accept yourself for who you are and the past you chose to live nobody else will ever have the chance to. Neither of them were really like “beautiful” to me and they were both ghetto anyone. Not shocked they didn’t make it pass what 2 episodes… unfortunate the only black couple ended up like this. WOMP! I’m appreciative of their forgiveness and capability to make amends with each other both before and during the reunion. Carleton needs some healing still though, can see it all over his face!

Gigi and Damien… Whew chilly, the issues on these two. Gigi is too much, and I know one thing, I’m not arguing with my man or fiancé calling him a “motherfucker” in public so he can snatch my tail up… 1 that’s disrespectful as a partner, respect is given where it resides and 2 the guys I like are often bigger than me and that’s a battle I don’t want to have lol. I mean, cute idea Guess but he has no backbone and she’s crazy. Good thing they didn’t get married cuz that would have been disastrous. Damien said no, and he was truly the savior of that situation. They’re actually dating now, and seems like Gigi has grown a great deal and they’re better than they were just jumping into marriage. Go them!

Kelly and Kenny… absolutely adorable… so adorable in fact they make me want to go to sleep. It’s strange how many unconventional things they have in common. For example the fact that both sets of parents met, dated, and married within knowing their respective spouses less than 6 months. I mean, they seem to be a really great fit for one another. Kelly said no however and I mean… okay, lol. I don’t know they didn’t do anything for me, Kenny was lit though, he has so much class. Kelly seems to be battling herself and upset about how she let things play out, jokes on you sis.

Mark and Jessica… talk about a train wreck… Jessica is the absolute WORST, and poor little Mark. I’m actually ridiculously tired of her whining about Barnett not choosing to be with her, and the kicker is Mark doesn’t even realize he’s the rebound guy. He’s so hopeful, it’s cute but sickening and I feel really bad for him because he’s trying to be married to somebody that would absolutely hire him as the help. And he really thinks she has physical issues because there’s no connection… no baby she is attracted to somebody else that is NOT you. She’s still trying to get with Barnett who is happily attracted to his own disarray with Amber. Not to mention her disgust with the fact that he’s 10 years younger than her. I’m glad she said no and didn’t go through with marrying him just because. They both need something other than one another. I’m also glad she appalled herself with her actions throughout her time in the experiment because he was just a hot mess.

Amber and Barnett… I’m not really sure how I feel about these two other then thinking Barnett was curious and afraid of Amber. Now, I think they’re a cute couple, but Barnett caused too much drama to be this corky little white boy that now wants to take on the task of caring for this girl that has no sense of responsibility or a stable job. Ma’am, I’m confused how you’re surviving. I’d have an anxiety attack if I walked in her shoes, but hey if he likes it I love it. They’re both a little confused about Love but what they are perfectly clear on is Jessica is a nut job and that sad, sad girl doesn’t know how to let go. Barnett made the wrong decision whispering sweet nothings in her ear because his fiancé will rock the socks off that poor little 34 year old. One of the two couples I really thought would go through with the wedding and they did. Marriage looks good on them, seems like they had their struggles and came out success on the other side of things. Good for them!

Lauren and Cameron… ALTHOUGH, I’m a strong advocate for black love and keeping it in the melanated realm, these two surprised me. They’re both adorable and interesting, Cameron obviously loves black women, because I mean look at us. Lauren is just as fabulous as she wants to be and she is not here for the games or “fairytale” of it all. She was clearly for something which brought her here but luckily she found her perfect match and they are definitely making it work! Her dad did not come to play games, however, and was the epitome of what most black children fear when choosing to bring home someone of the milk complexion. I’ve never dated outside of my race, so I don’t have that fear lol but I know it’s real for some people and that’s why. I think they’re DOPE for pushing forward in spite of Papa Speed’s rock solid demeanor, I mean he did agree to see where this road takes them so he’s not COMPLETELY against Cameron, and he was even in tears when he saw his babygirl in her wedding dress… almost had me crying with them like I was in the room. They said yes and I’m happy they made it. They look so happy and like the struggles of an interracial marriage aren’t weighing on them in a destructive manner. They gave me life, and hope lol

This show was interesting overall. I don’t know that I could put myself in that predicament and go through with the wedding, however. I mean I wouldn’t mind experiencing the trip without the “I do” at the end LOL, but actually saying yes? I really wouldn’t understand unless I experienced it which is something they all said. Could be they’re just amazing actors but something tells me they all genuinely went through these emotional twists and turns.

Anyway, check it out if you want, if nothing else you’ll get some really amazing laughs. I definitely did, LOL. If you have seen it or go watch, let me know what your thoughts are below! I’d love to read.

Be D.O.P.E.