Stranger Things (Netflix - Season 3)


I’ve been waiting for Season 3 for 2 years it feels like. Honestly, close enough to two years!

I haven’t finished the full Season yet but I got through the first two episodes and plan to finish this weekend! I must say these little white kids, and Caleb McLaughlin even though he’s dating this white girl, give me life. Every time I start the first episode of any of these seasons I automatically think about Super 8, which is also a dope supernatural film with little to no black people in it, that I can joyfully sit through without complaints.

Warning! There are spoilers in this review from the first two episodes… if you haven’t started watching yet, you may not want to read ahead.

So! Rats?!

Who thought it was a good idea to make rats a key element in how this shadow figure makes it’s way into the real world from the upside down? I mean, okay, I’ll admit it’s clever because that thing looks crazy just like these nasty little vermin, but it’s disgusting watching them burn and explode… EW!

Hopper has clearly lost his mind… the epitome of a man having a daughter though, LOL. He is really going insane between El and Mike dating and this weird attraction he has to Joyce Byers (Winona Ryder). Not that there’s anything wrong with Winona Ryder, she’s a little crazy in this movie, but have you seen “Girl, Interrupted?” Classic, but she plays crazy well; this is definitely right up her alley. I feel like her and Hopper are going to wind up in something together by the end of this season, I’ve always seen something in between them, but Hopper has literally been a nutcase since the first episode. He’s definitely brave and hero, but he’s a HORRIBLE sheriff, and I’m feeling a little strange about his parenting techniques.

But what do I know right… no kids LOL.

El is so pretty! This friendship with her and Max is going to cause some issues however. I’m still a little unsure of Max and her views on things considering her brother is a narcissist and her parents are barely ever around. The fact that Billy is now an incubus for the shadow is so absolutely perfect, he didn’t have to kill the lifeguard though… or jack Mrs. Wheeler up the way he did; even though that part was in his head.

I, honestly, have to realize that these parents deserve what’s coming to them because their kids run wild in these streets and that’s precisely why Will keeps disappearing. Matter of fact… why did Will walk home alone yet again after Dusty’s girlfriend doesn’t respond on the radio? Also, why they have to play him and make him the only one without a girl, LOL. I know he’s been through some stuff but that’s exactly why he needs somebody permanently attached to him the way El and Mike are with each other.

I’m just saying… if Will gets lost in the upside down again, we need to let him go. This boy about to go insane because of the two realities living in his head at this point. He vacations in the upside down for a week once a year now, LOL. Dude has a full blown summer home there, I’m convinced!

I’m definitely excited for the season, can’t wait to see what nonsense our characters get into, if Dusty’s girlfriend is actually real, how many times Nancy is going to piss me off this season, and how badass Eleven is going to be because she never disappoints. Side note, if you haven’t seen the clips of Millie Bobby Brown’s audition video you should go check it out. I think they mention it on the behind the scenes special they did after season 2 on Netflix, but it was really good, and I’m so happy they chose her for Eleven.

Be D.O.P.E. people! And let me know if you have any movies or shows you’d like to read my opinions on!

Season Release Date: July 4, 2019
Where I watched: Netflix