The Intruder


The Intruder was a typical home invasion movie to me. I appreciated it because of Michael Ealy’s fine self, he’s just so beautiful to look at. I’m also, glad he wasn’t the crazy in the movie this time unlike his character in “The Perfect Guy”.

The entire time I watched the movie I kept thinking about a post I saw on Twitter with this lady and her husband that were viewing a house. The wife was just blown away by the house and how beautiful it was and the husband kept noticing really weird things about the house like random doors that the realtor had never seen behind and the keys were missing, abandoned areas of the house that looked like murder may have occurred at some point in time… you know things black people tend to be cautious of. Spoiler alert the wife was white and the husband was black… he wasn’t going for it, and after the fact the wife reflected not believing she had turned into the white woman in the scary movies that she always said she’d never be, LOL. It was an entertaining thread really.

Well Meagan Goode was that oblivious white girl in the movie, which really did us a disservice as black women because… no, LOL, you won’t get me!

WARNING: spoilers ahead… if you want to see this movie without getting a sneak into the plot stop reading!

Scott and Annie Russell (Micheal Ealy and Meagan Good) are a young couple on the rise in both of their professions. Scott is a city boy without many handy man qualities and Annie is a country girl that loves the serenity and peace outside of a big city. The couple chooses to purchase a house on a rather large plot of land to put down roots and start a family. They purchase a home from a seller that is less than willing to let go of the home, which they don’t know until after digging into his past upon finding themselves in a less than desirable stalker-ish situation with the previous owner Charlie Peck (Dennis Quiad).

Charlie appears to be a sad old man that lost his wife to cancer and chooses to sell his home for a new start after it gets too hard to continue living there without his her. In reality, he’s a crazy old white man that killed his wife and continues living under the house after selling to the Russell’s in an attempt to get rid of Scott and make Annie his new wife… creepy. Talk about the privilege of a white man in America…. HA! I just don’t understand why Annie was okay with this white man randomly popping up and offering to help her with things her husband should have been helping her with gradually getting closer and closer to her. He was entirely too close for comfort for me, but hey… I guess that doesn’t bother something people.

I think the main thing that makes this movie creepy is the fact that I can see some white man doing this to a black couple if they got the right couple. My favorite parts of the movie are with everybody’s favorite white boy from “Power” Tommy (Joseph Sikora). Mike (Joseph Sikora) is a close friend of Scott and Annie, that visits their house a few times and winds up being killed by Charlie after stepping into his circle of whiteness and masculinity. Poor Tommy… I appreciated the power struggle between the two white men in the movie… oh and the fact that THE BLACK PEOPLE WEREN’T THE ONES TO DIE! Go figure, there’s a movie where blacks don’t get killed first and whites are saved in the midst of their stupidity.

Overall, Michael Ealy was a beautiful specimen of man to watch protect his wife and home all the way up to the end where Meagan gathered her senses, placed that call to 9-1-1, told them “My husband just shot an intruder” when they ask the nature of her call, and then Scott shoots Charlie. I think it was a perfect end to a movie with some dull and unbelievable moments… that moment, however, very believable. It’s just something about black love and black people surviving till the end of a “suspense” movie that brings joy to my heart.

If you want to go see it, check it out; if not, it’s definitely okay and worth a wait to make it to on demand or Netflix. The actors were great, the story line wasn’t original enough for me, and could have used more layers. The characters weren’t developed enough for my liking, but Michael and Meagan definitely did an amazing job with what they were given in their scripts.

Go check it out and if you’ve seen it already let me know what ya think!

Release Date: May 3, 2019
Where I watched: Regal Laurel Cinemas