Good Girls (Season 1)


{Spoiler Alert! Some information pertinent to the story line will be disclosed in this review. If you want to watch it without spoilers just go watch because it’s crazy entertaining and unexpectedly good. If you don’t care about spoilers because they’ll make you want to watch even more, proceed. Be great my friend!}

Imagine your best friend. You have arguments, piss each other off, make bad decisions together, and always, ALWAYS have each other’s backs. No matter the circumstance, no matter how stupid, and no matter what’s said you can get through it because you’re best friends. Your struggle is her struggle, your worry is her worry, your success is her success. You wouldn’t be where you are without one another and life literally would have taken you out had you not found this perfectly designed friend to be your ride or die.

Now take all of that and picture her as two white women that get you sucked into a life of crime to provide for your family and severely ill daughter. One that can’t get her ish together but is trying her hardest to keep shared custody of her daughter with her lifestyle compared to the well off father with a new perky wife. The other, a wife struggling with some serious skeletons in her husband’s closet that almost take her house and all sense of stability for her four kids.

Talk about relating to the black struggle… but no, this show is not about black people at all. This show is about women, no matter the race, always being the backbone for their families and the men that we expect to provide for us. Until they fall short and need wonder woman to pick up the pieces.

Good girls is a quirky, fun, and unconventional show about three women fighting to keep some sense of normalcy in their lives when disaster strikes and threatens to take their happiness and safety.

Would you become a criminal to put food on the table? You’ll never know unless you’re placed in extreme circumstances, but this show definitely gives a fun and exciting look into the lives of the woman you could be if pushed far enough to the edge.

Starring Retta as Ruby, a sassy black wife and mom that is not to be reckoned with; Mae Whitman as Annie, the younger sister that can’t seem to get her life together and is always finding herself in inexplicably questionable situations because of her genius ideas; and Christina Hendricks as Beth Boland, the housewife that will do just about anything to protect her kids but might be a little addicted to life of crime she’s immersed herself into. The first season of Good Girls may not have an entirely believable plot line, but these actresses bring their roles to life so well you may even see yourself considering robbing somebody just to see if you could really get away with it. One bad decision after another doesn’t stop these moms from embracing themselves and loving their lives but will their life of crime finally catch up to them in Season 2? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

Season 2 premiered: Sunday March 3 on NBC
Where I watched: Netflix